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Options for Knee Joint Models

Muscled Knee Joint Anatomy Model
Retail Price: $216.32
Your Price: $170.00

One of the best features of a well appointed hospital, clinic, office or educational environment is the variety of different ways that information can be shared. While many patients and students are able to grasp the basics of what is being discussed just by listening in on the conversation, having some type of visual aid can be a great help. There are many different ways to provide the patient with an image, including anatomy cards, charts and even models and replicas that can be viewed online with a computer. One tried and true favorite that still continues to be highly effective is the medical model.
Medical models are created for educational use and are designed by specialized artists that also have extensive study in human anatomy. These very detailed, highly accurate lifelike representations of any part of the human anatomy helps a patient or a student actually see in 3 dimensional form just what is being discussed. Many anatomical models are full body or include a specific organ or joint. Knee joint models are just one example of a specific body part that can be very difficult to conceptualize if you don't have a visual representation.
Knee injuries as well as knee function can all be discussed and described using a variety of knee joint models. Most healthcare facilities and medical training classrooms will have several different styles to allow both basic and detailed work with the model. Basic anatomy classes may choose to use the basic model only largely depending on the level of academic study anticipated. Regardless of what detail level of knee joint models that are selected the students and patients will definitely find them beneficial.
Basic knee joint models are just what the name implies. The femur, fibula and tibia are present but only extend to just above and just below the knee itself. The other major bones including the patella or kneecap are correctly placed on the knee joint. Rubberized ligaments and tendons complete the model, showing how the joint is held in place. As with all knee joint models the best option is always to go with a life size version. This allows the patient or students to quickly understand the model without having to think in scale.
Beyond the basic models are the muscled knee joint models. These models include the same underlying bone structures, ligaments and tendons but they add more detail in the form of muscles. These muscles, which control the movement of the knee, are highlighted in red and clearly visible as mussel tissue on the model. A card behind both the basic and muscled models is ideal for quick identification of each component or structure of the knee joint.
A final option for knee joint models for teaching or patient work is a diseased anatomical model. This type of model shows slightly smaller knee joints in various stages of osteoarthritis. Each different model in the set of four will highlight the continued degeneration of the knee joint and associated structures. The model is extremely helpful in discussing treatment options and long term care for patients with osteoarthritis as well as in research and medical training uses.
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