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Talking to Patients Using a Prostate Cancer Model

Male Pelvis Cross Section w/ Enlarged Prostates
Retail Price: $120.89
Your Price: $95.89

Male Pelvis Cross Section w/ Enlarged Prostates
Retail Price: $120.80
Your Price: $99.89

Talking to men and their families about prostate health is very challenging for a variety of reasons. One reason is the fact that men are naturally uncomfortable with this discussion, as the symptoms of prostate problems are often associated with aging, painful or frequent urination, and prostate cancer. As with most medical conditions, regular check-ups and early diagnosis are essential in developing comprehensive and effective types of medical treatment options.
While prostate issues are most commonly seen in men over the age of 50, younger men need to start learning about early symptoms of problems with this gland. Using a prostate cancer model during routine annual medical visits is an excellent way to talk about prostate health and disease prevention programs. The prostate cancer model is really a fantastic visual aid in helping patients of any age understand just what is going on inside their bodies.
The prostate cancer model should be designed to show, in realistic and accurate fashion, various conditions of the prostate gland. The prostate glands need to be full size and accurate in its representation of the condition. Of course one of the key features on a prostate cancer model is a healthy, normal prostate. This is essential in order to compare and contrast healthy tissue from problematic or cancerous tissue within the gland.
Generally, the cancer model will consist of several different commonly diagnosed prostate disease representations. Very rare or unusual prostate conditions are not depicted on the model to avoid confusion and focus on the typical issues that are commonly associated with the gland. The conditions shown on the model, or actually the six smaller models on the standard 8 ¾ by 6 ¼ inch base, include several attributes. They are a prostate with a nodule, enlarged lobe and an entire enlarged prostate and combination of nodules, irregular surfaces and involvement of the seminal vesicle in swelling with an irregular surface.
A handy card behind the prostate cancer model provides more information for the patient to examine and review. It can also be used to assist the physician in having a comprehensive discussion with the patient. While not in great detail the information provided in the card includes a description of the specific condition shown. The card also indicates if cancer is possible with this particular symptom or group of symptoms. Using the prostate cancer model and card with men in their late 30's and early 40's is helpful in assisting them in understanding early detection of any abnormalities in the gland. The model is very neutral in its presentation of the prostate and is not threatening or intimidating to the patient or the physician. With most men not understanding the exact location, function, and design of the prostate a full model of the male pelvis and reproductive system can be used to help men understand the position of the gland. Unfortunately making the assumption that men understand about the prostate may lead to further confusion and misunderstanding. Using the prostate cancer model with the male pelvis model really helps in clarifying the anatomical part of the discussion.
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