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The 3D Teeth Model in Action

Lower Twin-Root Molar Tooth w/ Cavities

Lower Twin-Root Molar Tooth w/ Cavities

Item# 4-01DA3BS
Retail Price: $252.48
Your Price: $178.60
in stock Unit: single
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Pre-Molar Anatomical Model

Pre-Molar Anatomical Model

Item# 3-01DA3BS
Retail Price: $199.47
Your Price: $106.40
in stock Unit: single
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Dental Disease Anatomy Model

Dental Disease Anatomy Model

Item# 62DA3BS
Retail Price: $574.46
Your Price: $456.00
in stock Unit: single
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Teaching about the teeth or explaining to patients about common dental problems can be challenging for many reasons. The biggest reason is that tooth problems may not have any external signs at all. Often, the internal damage to the nerves and tooth structure is extremely painful, resulting in the need for immediate surgery or action to alleviate the pain for the patient. Having a high quality 3D teeth model in a patient examination room can help the dental surgeon, dentist or staff explain to the patient just what is going on inside that painful tooth.

A very practical type of 3D teeth model option will include a longitudinal cut-away of the premolars and molars. The model will have to be oversized to allow for a good view of the various internal attributes of the tooth or teeth that are creating the pain or problem situation. The oversized 3D teeth models are approximately 5 ½ by 2 inches by 3 ½ inches, easy to handle and move yet also easy to see. The teeth in the model are very accurate and the patient, even without the dentist or doctor's help will be able to clearly identify the two different tooth types. Both the top or visible part of the tooth as well as the embedded root is highly distinctive in the premolar and molar model.

The 3D teeth model contains all the major tooth problems. By simply pointing to the specific tooth or teeth on the model that depicts that patient's condition the dentist can talk to the patient in a logical, structured way. Since a patient may not be informed of the actual complexity of the inside of a tooth this model is very beneficial. As the dentist or doctor discusses the cause of the pain or the structural or never damage that has occurred he or she can point to the respective attributes on the 3D teeth model. The dentist or doctors can also choose to identify each component by name or simply give a general overview based on the individual patient's needs.

The 3D teeth model can also be instrumental in helping patients to ask questions they may have. The patient doesn't have to be clear in using the right medical terms; he or she can simply point to the anatomy model feature and ask the question. For children and adults alike this can promote more discussion and allow the dental expert to share information on prevention and treatment options.

A well designed 3D teeth model will include the most commonly found dental conditions such as gingivitis, advanced periodontitis, cavities and abscesses. It will also include representations of plaque build-up, severe bone loss and crown decay. An associated model that shows the human skull and the related problems with the condition known as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder may also be very helpful in any dentist's or dental surgeon's office. This model focuses on the entire range of conditions found with this disorder from chipped teeth through to jaw problems and neck pain.

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