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Anatomical Anthropological Skulls
Clear Skull Model w/ Pathologies
Retail Price: $239.40
Your Price: $178.70
Masticatory Muscles Skull Model
Retail Price: $586.25
Your Price: $438.27
For researchers, instructors, scientists and students studying human evolution the use of anatomical anthropological skulls is essential. Not only are the anatomical anthropological skulls made from the originally reconstructed or complete skulls, but they are designed to be 100% accurate replicas. Since much of research, science and studies are ongoing with regards to human evolution, these skulls can be instrumental in providing scientists, researches and students around the world with the exact duplicates of these rare and one of a kind anthropological finds.
Most of the original skulls are located in the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University, which is located in Frankfurt Germany. Traveling to and from the University would mean incredible costs in international travel, so having the accurate and exact anatomical anthropological skulls on had at each teaching university or research center dramatic cuts both time and research costs.
There are several different anatomical anthropological skulls to select from, or the complete set is always available for very comprehensive types of study. Each skull has been carefully molded from the original skull and is exactly like the original, right down to thickness of the bone structure and even imperfections in the skull. The anatomical anthropological skulls also come complete with display stands as well as information on the location of the find, the year and date of the find and information on the time from in which the individual lived. In most cases, especially going back as far as the early Kabwe Skull, this dating of the skull's age is believed to be between 150,000 to 300,000 years.
Biologists, anthropologists and other researchers and students interested in human evolution and development can study more recent finds as well in the collection of anatomical anthropological skulls. The Cro-Magnon man skull, believed to be dated from 20,000 to 30,000 years of age is also an exact replica and provides insight into the more modern evolution of man. There are significant structural differences between this anatomical anthropological skull and the much earlier Kabwe or Broken Hill Skull which are valuable to researchers.
A skull dating back some 35,000 to 45,000 years is known as the La Chapelle-aux-Saints skull. This skull within the collection of anatomical anthropological skulls is unique in that researches are able to identify that the skull is from a 50-55 year old Neanderthal male, a true research find. Originally discovered in 1908, this French find has become a key component in understanding the developmental differences with regards to skull changes as human evolved.
Of course it would be literally impossible for researchers to be able to study anatomical anthropological skulls without accurate and very detailed castings and recreations. Since there is such detail in the models they are perfect for even the most in depth study, measurements and research. The information provided with the anatomical anthropological skulls also means they can be left on display and can be used in teaching lessons and presentations to students. Highly versatile and durable, these anatomical anthropological skulls are perfect for showing in life sized, three dimensional models the exact structure of various anthropological finds.
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