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Anatomical Human Heart Models Clear Up the Confusion

Type II Diabetes Model Set

Type II Diabetes Model Set

Item# 0104GPI
Retail Price: $218.99
Your Price: $192.89
in stock Unit: single
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4 Piece Artery Model Set

4 Piece Artery Model Set

Item# 0562GPI
Retail Price: $124.00
Your Price: $77.00
in stock Unit: 1 set
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Anatomical Heart Model

Anatomical Heart Model

Item# 40GA3BS
Retail Price: $203.14
Your Price: $169.73
in stock Unit: single
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When speaking to patients and their families it is often easy to assume that they understand what medical professionals are talking about. In reality, whenever patients and loved ones are hearing difficult news about health issues they are likely to not focus, forget details, or simply refuse to ask questions they may want answered. Patients with heart conditions need to have a clear understanding of what the concerns are the doctor has regarding their health. Anatomical human heart models can be a very direct and easy way to explain simple and complex diseases and conditions of the heart that help to explain to people what is going on with their heart. 


There are a wide variety of anatomical human heart models available from infant hearts to teen and adult hearts. Each model will be scaled to represent an actual sized heart or a heart that is larger than life but still correctly proportioned as to the size of the various chambers, vessels and structures. These larger sized human heart models are a great option for sharing with either patients or students in a hospital or clinic or in a medical or biological classroom environment. Of course the main benefit to the larger than life models is that they are easy to see and work with; perfect for providing detailed information in a highly visible and understandable way.


For teaching and lecture style presentations there is always the option for a seriously larger than life anatomical human heart model. This massive heart, which is eight times actual life size, is perfect for a large lecture type environment. The heart is open to give viewers a chance to see into the chambers of the heart including the major heart vessels. Our anatomy heart models permanently mounted on a pedestal style four legged stand so it is stable and balanced. Different areas of the heart are highlighted with lifelike colors, perfect for demonstrating the movement of blood through the heart or the system of valves that control the blood flow throughout the heart.


Smaller desk type anatomical human heart models don't have to be as large, but they typically provide other features that make them practical and highly effective in communicating with patients. Typically the heart assembles to resemble an intact human heart, and then removable pieces can be taken out of the complete model to show the interior structure and chambers. Several models offer the option of also being able to remove several structures that are included with the model. These removable features can include opening up the chambers, removing ventricle and atrium walls and removing the esophagus, trachea, aorta and vena cava.


Different heart models can also offer less in the way of removable parts but more detail in design on the model itself. These one or two part models are great for the basics and they are easy for patients to manipulate and examine. Color coding combined with guides as to the different features and functions of the heart are often included with these models, perfect for teaching or working with patients.