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Tips for Using an Asthma Model
Bronchus Model Showing Asthma & Bronchitis
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An anatomical model can help a patient or student get a much clearer understanding of any type of medical discussion. This is particularly true when you are discussing complex medical issues that may have multiple complications or triggers. One such medical condition is asthma. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, asthma is one of the most common health conditions in the United Sates with over 17.5 million diagnosed adults and 7.1 million diagnosed children. Since asthma has such significant symptoms, often the first event sends a patient to the emergency room in considerable distress.
In the United States alone, there will be 13.3 million trips to the doctor, hospital, emergency room, or medical clinics where asthma is the primary diagnosis. Typically, people are not hospitalized, but are treated to allow normal breathing and released to the care of a primary physician. Emergency room doctors, walk in clinic facilities, and family doctors should have an asthma model available to help patients and their families understand this condition. Keep in mind that the first asthma attack can be extremely unsettling and frightening for all involved so anything that can help provide clarity in a stressful time is truly beneficial.
Asthma model options vary in both their style and level of detail. A good option is a set of lung models that show a variety of diseases and conditions of the lung. These asthma model options are very practical for smaller hospitals and clinics. They can also really help save space in a busy emergency room or clinic environment where counters may full of medical equipment and supplies. These models are full sized, and should be 2-sided to show both the left and right lung as well as the associated structures. By having a cut out or internal view into the lungs it is simple to highly to the patient and family just what is causing the difficulty in breathing that is the most frightening aspect of the condition.
Working with an asthma model can help you, as the physician or medical staff member, to clearly explain what is happening in a logical, orderly format. You can start with the air passage and discuss the contractions experienced when the asthma attack is triggered. You can also point out the reasons why shortness of breath, wheezing and difficulty in inhaling and exhaling occur with the disease. Having the chance for the patient to see the structures in the asthma model as the discussion is happening makes your information clearer and easier to understand.
An asthma model in the office of the primary physician can be used in the same way, but it can also be used to show where and how different asthma medications work on the problems associated with the condition. When patients are aware of just what is happening in their bodies, they are more likely to use the medications correctly and in a routine fashion when that is the best option. For those that only use emergency inhalers, the same depth of knowledge from the asthma model will encourage the proper use of the inhaler at an early stage of the attack for maximum effectiveness.
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