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3D Human Eye Model Options

Human Eye Model Cross-Section

Human Eye Model Cross-Section

Item# 0872GPI
Retail Price: $180.80
Your Price: $122.50
in stock Unit: single
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Human Eye Model Cross-Section

Human Eye Model Cross-Section

Item# 0082GPI
Retail Price: $174.60
Your Price: $126.00
in stock Unit: single
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Standard Eye Model

Standard Eye Model

Item# A005JVA3BS
Retail Price: $1,490.67
Your Price: $1,132.40
in stock Unit: single
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The human eye is one of the most fascinating parts of the body. Not only is this really a medical marvel, but it is also closely linked with human qualities such as honesty, personality and even love. Knowing more about the human eye is often of great interest to medical and anatomy students. Having a variety of 3D human eye model styles available in a laboratory or classroom will help students find just what they are looking for.

In research and teaching, one very popular type of 3D human eye model is the full eye. This model is not life sized, but actually much larger a normal eye, and measures approximately five inches by three inches by four inches. The oversized features are important since a life size eye would be too small for easy examination of all the various components and features. The additional size also makes handing the 3D human eye model much easier.

The full eye 3D eye model has the feature of a split shell. This allows the student to simply open up the model to get a very clear and complete view into the interior of the eye. The interior features shown in the model include the disc, macula, retina, central retinal artery and vein as well as the optic nerve. In addition various components including the cornea and the lens can be removed for further study. This 3D human eye model is sure to be a hit with the students, especially when it is paired with one or more of the other human eye models available.

The cataract 3D human eye model is also interactive like the full model. It has removable lenses that allow the learner to see how cataract conditions impact on vision. The lenses store easily below the model on slots in the base and are ideal for bringing the vision problems associated with cataracts to life. Behind the model is an informative card that gives additional detail about the changes in vision with each of the lenses.

Following on the same theme, the cornea eye cross-section model allows learners to see how four common cornea conditions impact the eye itself. This information card on this 3D eye model provides information o the specific name of the condition associated with the cornea as well as the physical attributes on the cornea from the condition. The card is two sided and presents an anatomical description of all four cornea conditions with a simple turn of the card on the base. The cross section of the eye is also present showing the major components of the interior of the eye and the nerves, blood vessels and muscles.

As a basic teaching tool, the 3D human eye model with a simple cut-away showing the inner anatomy is a perfect classroom anatomy model. It is simple, yet complete in the amount of detail and features presented. The benefit to this model is that it is very practical and durable, while still having a removable lens and cornea for that added interactive feature.

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